A Visit to Your Room – Poem by Me

the odor of dried sweat and moldy bread
is emitting from the towel you wrap
around your hair;
         you know, the one you use 
         to dry off and feel clean?

this room's always dirty but
from the doorway you can see
a tiny sketch of a half-drawn face

          staring into your eyes
          from its insignificant place 
          on your desk. 
too perfect with the plump lips and 
sporadic freckles on the stark white paper

i don't know how you spend so much
time in here, but i see that face
and it brings to my attention

mixed with the body odor and mold
it smells like you-
          vanilla candy, so sweet
          making my stomach ache

As always, I hope you enjoyed this poem! I thought it was fun to play around with the structure. Let me know if you have any feedback, suggestions, or challenges for me to use in my writing in the near future 🙂


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